
Please click any of the blue links below for further information.

Information from the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Building Bridges to Careers MakerSpace

The Epicenter Makerspace created by Building Bridges to Careers is a gathering point in our community to imagine, explore, create, design, and prototype. This physical space offers access to a collection of tools and technology. But, what really defines the Epicenter Makerspace is "making". Bookmark the page and check it often for updates and new opportunities!

Caring Award Nomination Form
The Caring Institute seeks nominees (adult or student) each year to recognize acts of caring and humanitarian service.

Directory of Grants for Single Mothers

Links to a variety of resources including rent, utility payments, and other financial assistance.

Resource for class rings through graduation!

Sandy Hook Promise
National non-profit organization founded by family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School 12/14/12.

Washington County Family & Children First Council

The Washington County Family & Children First Council promotes coordination and collaboration among county and local governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, schools and families in a manner which fosters wellness and self-sufficiency for families and increases child well-being. Programs range from Early Intervention (birth to 3) to the Teen Career Awareness Initiative.

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