Please click any of the blue links below for further information.
Graduation Requirements for classes of 2023 and Beyond
Detailed information on course and test requirements for all current high school students.
There are now three parts to graduation requirements: Credits (earned by passing high school courses); Competency (earned by achieving a passing score on Algebra and English II End of Course Exams); and Readiness (earned by completing two of 12 potential seals).
This handout is a summary of the changes. You may also read detailed information in this report.
Requirements for Diploma with Honors
Detailed information on guidelines for the Honors diploma.
ODE Minimum Graduation Requirements
Detailed information on requirements and pathways.
Ohio Options for Adult Diploma / HSE
Detailed information for those seeking an alternate to the traditional high school diploma. Includes High School Equivalence, Adult Diploma, Adult 22+ High School Diploma, and Adult Learners programs.